
Learn to pronounce flash

  1. (of a light or something that reflects light) shine in a bright but brief, sudden, or intermittent way.
    "the lights started flashing"
    synonyms: light up, shine, flare, blaze, glare, beam, gleam, glint, sparkle, spark, burn, fluoresce, blink, wink, flicker, shimmer, twinkle, glimmer, glisten, scintillate, glister, coruscate, fulgurate, effulge
  2. move or pass very quickly.
    "a look of terror flashed across Kirov's face"
    synonyms: zoom, streak, tear, shoot, dash, dart, fly, whistle, hurtle, rush, hurry, bolt, race, bound, speed, career, charge, hare, whiz, whoosh, buzz, scoot, skedaddle, belt, zap, zip, scorch, bomb, bucket, burn rubber, go like the clappers, barrel, lay rubber
  3. display (an image, words, or information) suddenly on a television or computer screen or electronic sign, typically briefly or repeatedly.
    "suddenly the screen flashes a message"
    synonyms: display, show, present, set forth, unveil

  1. a sudden brief burst of bright light or a sudden glint from a reflective surface.
    "a lightning flash"
    synonyms: flare, blaze, burst, glare, pulse, blast, gleam, glint, sparkle, flicker, shimmer, twinkle, glimmer, beam, shaft, ray, streak, bar, finger, stream
  2. a sudden instance or manifestation of a quality, understanding, or humor.
    "she had a flash of inspiration"
    synonyms: burst, outbreak, outburst, wave, rush, surge, stab, flush, blaze, sudden show, brief display/exhibition
  3. a camera attachment that produces a brief very bright light, used for taking photographs in poor light.
    "an electronic flash"
  4. a platform for producing and displaying animation and video in web browsers.
  5. excess plastic or metal forced between facing surfaces as two halves of a mold close up, forming a thin projection on the finished object.
    "flap wheels are ideal for grinding off fiberglass flash"

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1 of 3 verb. ˈflash. 1. : to shine in or like a sudden flame. lightning flashed. her eyes flashed with excitement. 2. : to send out in or as if in flashes.
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